The VIVOSUN Photography Competition


VIVOSUN is hosting a new competition that we know will inspire your creativity! We love all the fantastic photography that our fans share with us and we think it is about time to start highlighting the artistic hard work that you all put into your photographs and your grows.

We are hosting a photography competition for anyone who wants to join—winners will be chosen by our team based on the quality of the photographs and the unique perspective of the idea, whether that be a nice angle or something that shows the photographer’s creativity, we want to see it! Don’t worry if you are not a professional photographer, just give it a try and maybe you’ll win!

Speaking of winners, we plan to give away giftbox and feature the photography on our social media to our tens of thousands of followers!

The rules are easy:

  1. Take your best shot! Photograph your plants and make them look as beautiful as they are!
  2. Make sure you’re following us on one of our social media accounts: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
  3. Post it on your social media account and tag us with #VIVOSUN and #LoveWhatYouGrow

And join our Facebook farmer’s community for even more exclusive contests and prizes!

We love what you all create and we want to feature it, so come join us in this new competition! We cannot wait to see your awesome photos.


Now VIVOSUN App is online! Download and explore more!


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