How to set up grow tent? How to grow faster? How to water?….Here all you need to know about how to! Check now!
Tag: How to
Was tun, wenn mein Weed nass geworden ist?
Ob Sie Weed gekauft oder Ihre eigenen Pflanzen getrocknet haben, besteht die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Ihr Weed versehentlich nass geworden ist. Dies kann daran liegen,...
Wie oft sollte man Cannabis gießen? | 4 Schritte um zum Pro-Grower zu werden
Überwässerung ist der häufigste Fehler, den Gärtner, insbesondere Anfänger, machen. Natürlich ist Wasser für Cannabis entscheidend, da Cannabis zu 80% aus Wasser besteht (genau...
Keep Cannabis in Storage: What Should You Do?
If you grow marijuana for your own use, after curing it properly, you will need to learn how to keep cannabis in storage properly...
Love What You Grow – Vivosun
Learn how to grow with Vivosun growing guide!
Prepare to grow
Pick your seeds:
Pick your growing setup:
Pick your light:
Best Setup for Your Indoor Grow Room
Table of Contents
Do you struggle to find what size light goes with what size tent? Is my light too strong? Is it too weak?...
Premium Growing Equipment for Hydroponics
Originally published at TopGrows
VIVOSUN provides its customers with indoor horticulture equipment. It was founded in California and has become a leading manufacturer in the...
Love Your Grow Tent: Maintenance and Repair
So you have a grow tent and now you want to make sure it's in good shape to last as long as possible. Hopefully,...
How to Overcome Cannabis Curling Up Leaves?
Cannabis leaves curling upupwards or downwards (cannabis leaf curl, curly leaves cannabis) is something we often have while growing weed—every farmer needs to know...
How to Improve Cannabis Germination Rates (focus on 8 steps)
When we first started to grow cannabis, we often start from seeds. If the seeds we bought don’t sprout, we might lose a bit...