Tag: grow room
How do You Control Odor in a Grow Room
When you grow cannabis indoors, some plants will emit a strong smell, so how do you control odor in a grow room? Odor can be...
How to Clean a Grow Room?
A clean environment is good for you and your plants—it makes them healthier overall, and it makes your life easier. So are there any...
How to Clean Your Fabric Grow Bags?
Over the past few years, fabric grow pots have become popular among most gardeners: they’re super easy to clean after a season or two,...
Grow Room Glasses are Necessary for Your Indoor Grow
If you’re planning to grow in a grow tent or an indoor grow space and you plan to use a grow light, you’re going to...
CO2: What Are the Benefits and How Does It Help Your Plants
When we grow indoors, especially in grow tents, we can control many external factors to increase yields or speed up plant growth. In addition...