How do You Control Odor in a Grow Room
When you grow cannabis indoors, some plants will emit a strong smell, so how do you control odor in a grow room? Odor can be a problem for you or maybe your neighbor especially when...
How to Keep Your Plants Alive When Going on Vacation
Have you ever been growing when a sudden trip comes up, or do you have a vacation planned? So what are your options to keep your plants alive?
Ask someone to watch you grow...
What Makes Weed Plants Turn Purple
Sometimes our cannabis plants turn a magnificent purple color—this distinctive color does not mean that purple cannabis has higher medicinal value than commonly used cannabis, but it most definitely looks great! Why does weed...
How to Grow During Vegetative Stage?
The two most important stages of plant growth are the vegetative stage and the flowering stage. The vegetative stage is a growth stage connecting the seedling stage and the flowering stage. After growing the...
How to Take Care of Your Cannabis Seedling?
Although the seedling stage of cannabis is short, usually just 2-3 weeks, it is crucial to the entire cannabis cultivation process. If something goes wrong with your cannabis plant at this stage, nothing that...