Grow High

Vivosun Complete Weed Cultivation Guide helps you grow high during your indoor-growing journey.

zip of weed cover image

Was ist ein Zip Weed? (Preise und Umrechnungen erklärt)

Inhaltsverzeichnis Die Frage, wie viel ein Zip Weed kostet, wird in der Cannabis-Community häufig gestellt und intensiv diskutiert. Die Antwort darauf hängt jedoch von verschiedenen Faktoren ab. Um beim Kauf von Marihuana in größeren Mengen...
How Much is an Ounce of Weed

How Much is an Ounce of Weed: Understanding the Cost and Measurement

When buying cannabis, the term “ounce” is commonly used to describe a larger quantity of weed. Understanding how much an ounce of weed is and the factors that influence its price can help both...
underwatered overwatered

Wie oft sollte man Cannabis gießen? | 4 Schritte um zum Pro-Grower zu werden

Überwässerung ist der häufigste Fehler, den Gärtner, insbesondere Anfänger, machen. Natürlich ist Wasser für Cannabis entscheidend, da Cannabis zu 80% aus Wasser besteht (genau wie Sie!). In diesem Artikel werden wir die Häufigkeit und...
zip of weed cover image

What is a Zip of Weed? (Prices and Conversions Explained)

As someone who's been part of the cannabis community for years, I've often heard a discussion: how much is a zip of weed? It's a topic that's discussed among enthusiasts, but the answer isn't...
How Much is a Dub of Weed

How Much is a Dub of Weed: Understanding Costs and Measurements

In the world of cannabis, a question often been ask: how much is a dub of weed? The term "dub" is often used when discussing small purchases.  Whether you’re new to cannabis or just curious...