How to Tell When Your Buds Have Cured Properly?


Hey you! Great work getting this far with your growing process, you’re amazing! So you’re facing your final step and you’re thinking to yourself, “Hey, how do I know when my buds have cured properly?” Good news for you, we have your answer right here!

First, we’ll look at a super quick summary of curing and the timing of the process, and then we’ll look at what you should expect from cured buds.

A Quick Summary of the Curing Process – How to Tell When Your Buds Have Cured Properly?

Curing is best done by putting your buds in a glass mason jar with a screwing lid that can seal the top with a vacuum seal. Curing usually takes 4 – 8 weeks and the Relative Humidity should be around 60% throughout the process. Be sure to check your buds frequently, for the first week open your jar for a few minutes twice a day, and then after that open your jar once a day for a few minutes. This helps remove excess humidity. Your mason jar should be about 1/3 the way full to ensure enough air transfer.

How Do You Know If Your Buds Are Ready? – How to Tell When Your Buds Have Cured Properly?

Over time, you’ll be checking your buds all the time and during these checks, you’ll start to recognize that your buds are ripening: they’ll start to smell nice, and they’ll start to become a little firmer. Luckily for you, there is a bit of flexibility of when you can use your cannabis: You’ll probably be able to smoke them around 3 weeks after you start curing. If you wait a little longer you’ll have a little better flavor but if you can’t help yourself, go for it, enjoy your weed, enjoy your hard work, you deserve it!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

And be sure to check out our other blog posts for useful tips on becoming a great grower!

As always if you have any questions you can message our Instagram or Facebook and we’ll be glad to help you out! We’re happy you’re on this journey and we want to help in any way we can.

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