How Many Cannabis Plants Can You Legally Grow in Your State?


Legally Grow

Cannabis laws are quickly changing and states are becoming more open to the idea of how many cannabis plants can people legally grow at home. Public sentiment has dramatically shifted over the past decade to supporting federal legalization, but while that may not be arriving any time soon, states are making the changes themselves.

Each state has slightly different cannabis laws, laws for hobby growers and laws for licensed medical growers. We put together a chart so you can quickly reference the legality and amount of plants you can legally grow at home. Check it out below.

the Legality and Amount of Plants You Can Legally Grow at Home

Source: Wikipedia

How Many Cannabis Plants Can You Legally Grow?

State Legality Hobby/non-commercial (number of plants) Medical (number of plants)
Alabama Medical, starting Sept. 2022 Illegal Undetermined
Alaska Fully legal 12 plants in a 2 person household 6 plants per patient
Arizona Fully legal 6 plants per household, max 12 with two or more adults 6 plants per patient
Arkansas Illegal (medical only) Illegal No home cultivation
California Fully legal 6 plants per person 6 plants per patient
Colorado Fully legal 6 plants per person, 3 mature 6 plants per patient, 3 mature
Connecticut Fully legal 6 plants per person, 3 mature 6 plants per patient, 3 mature
Delaware Decriminalized (medical only) n/a No home cultivation
District of Columbia Legal 3 mature, 6 total per household 6 plants per patient
Florida Medical only Illegal No home cultivation
Georgia Medical only Illegal No home cultivation
Hawaii Decriminalized (medical only) n/a 10 plants per caregiver
Idaho Illegal or unclear Illegal Illegal
Illinois Fully legal 5 plants per house 5 plants per patient
Indiana Illegal Illegal Illegal
Iowa Illegal Illegal Illegal
Kansas Illegal (Medical CBD oil use approved) Illegal Illegal
Kentucky Illegal (Medical CBD oil approved) Illegal Illegal
Louisiana Decriminalized (Medical only) n/a No home cultivation
Maine Fully legal 3 mature plants, 12 immature plants, unlimited seedlings per person 3 mature plants, 12 immature plants, unlimited seedlings per patient
Maryland Decriminalized (Medical only) Illegal No home cultivation
Massachusetts Fully legal 6 plants per person, 12 per household with 2 or more adults 6 plants per patient
Michigan Fully legal 12 plants per household 12 plants per household
Minnesota Decriminalized (medical only) n/a No home cultivation
Mississippi Decriminalized (medical only) Illegal No home cultivation
Missouri Decriminalized (medical only) Illegal 6 plants per patient
Montana Fully legal 4 plants per household 4 plants per patient
Nebraska Decriminalized Illegal Illegal
Nevada Fully legal 6 plants per household 12 plants per patient
New Hampshire Decriminalized (medical only) Illegal Illegal
New Jersey Fully legal Illegal Illegal
New Mexico Fully legal 6 mature plants per person, 12 per household 6 mature plants per patient, 12 per household
New York Fully legal 3 mature, 3 immature plants, 12 maximum per household 3 mature, 3 immature plants, 12 maximum per household
North Carolina Decriminalized (Medical CBD oil approved) Illegal Illegal
North Dakota Decriminalized (medical only) Illegal Illegal
Ohio Decriminalized (medical only) Illegal Illegal
Oklahoma Medical only Illegal 6 mature plants per patient
Oregon Fully legal 4 plants per household 18 immature plants and 6 mature plants at a single time per patient
Pennsylvania Decriminalized (medical only) Illegal Illegal
Rhode Island Decriminalized (medical only) Illegal Illegal
South Carolina Illegal (medical CBD oil approved) Illegal Illegal
South Dakota Illegal (medical only) Illegal Illegal
Tennessee Illegal (medical CBD oil approved) Illegal Illegal
Texas Illegal Illegal Illegal
Utah Illegal (medical only) Illegal Illegal
Vermont Fully legal 2 mature, 4 immature per person 2 mature, 4 immature per patient
Virginia Fully legal 4 plants per household 4 plants per household
Washington Fully legal Illegal 6 plants per patient
West Virginia Illegal (medical only) Illegal Illegal
Wisconsin Illegal (medical CBD oil approved) Illegal Illegal
Wyoming Illegal (medical CBD oil approved) Illegal Illegal

Our fingers are crossed that these laws will change! With so much public support, we’re hoping that federal legalization comes this decade.

Legally Grow! Happy growing!

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